Project Grading

This page is subject to change up to the Add/Drop Date

The project is a single cumulative project that progresses over the semester. While C0 has a deadline before the Add/Drop deadline, the remainder of the project will be assessed altogether at the end of term. At regular intervals there are checkpoints, where you will be given feedback on your progress and the requirements may be renegotiated.

If you copy any portion of the project (even part of a single checkpoint), you will receive 0 on the entire project, or your course grade will be capped at 50%. See the No Copying Policy page for details and licensing

Test SCore:

this is a TEAM SCORE

40% of course grade

Or shift 10% to final exam weight if it improves your overall grade

(C0 score * 0.25) + (Project Score * Teamwork Score * 0.75)


This is an INDIVIDUAL SCOREmultiplier on test score for the project

% Scrums attended

1 absence allowed


% Reports submitted

1 missing report allowed


Use of GitHub issues

either 0 or 1 for the project

Weekly Scrum:

Each week after the C0 deadline you and your teammate will have a Scrum meeting with your assigned TA. This will be a 15-20 minute individual check in where you state what you have done by referring to issues in your GitHub repo, and ask any questions, and express any concerns about progress.

Weekly Report:

Each week you must fill in a confidential, individual survey, to indicate how work is progressing. This must be filled out prior to your Scrum meeting.

Getting HELP:

You can ask for help in your weekly meetings, or in office hours.

In the final week of a checkpoint, we will heavily priotize teams who currently have lower scores on that checkpoint.

Github Issues Use:

You will need to use GitHub issues to track your work.

Issues for each engineering task in the project will need to be assigned to a team member, and each commit made by the team member will need to refer to the appropriate issue. Comments within the issue can track progress and problems encountered. Your issues will be used as a basis for your Scrum meetings.

Unequal TEAM Work

If you are pulling more than your weight, we may use grade adjustments to increase your grade to reflect your extra contribution. This is determined on a case by case basis.

If you are pulling less than your weight, we may use grade adjustments to decrease your grade to reflect your lower contribution. This is determined on a case by case basis.