
This grading rubric is subject to change up to the add/drop date


Percentage Allocated



If you get below 30% on this component, or if you violate the No Copying Policy, your course grade is capped at 50%.

If you achieve less than 20% on the project, your course grade is capped at 45%


Participation activities are lecture-materials based hand-in activities done online (some links from inside the slides and some available on the participation page).

The deadline for these is 5 seconds prior to the final exam, but we recommend doing them prior to the corresponding quiz.

They are only marked for submission, not for correctness, and you can submit multiple times.

3 Quizzes ==

1 Midterm

Dates on Schedule page


There will be 4 quizzes offered. Your lowest quiz score will be discarded, regardless of the reason for it being the lowest (absence included). We will require documentation for more than one missed quiz.

Final Exam

IN PERSON (this is the only in-person activity)


If you achieve less than 30% this component (so 12/40), your course grade is capped at 50%.

If you do not write the final, your course grade is capped at 45%

Your final exam score will replace all your midterm scores if it improves your overall grade.

If it improves your grade, the final will be weighted as 50% and the project as 30%.