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Article 2

If in a state the measures necessary for the restoration of public security and order are not taken, the Reich Government may temporarily take over the powers of the highest state authority.

Before the arrival of the Magyars, Hungary was the"cock-pit of eastern Europe;" its history one incessantstruggle between nation and nation, which either perished orwas driven out by some more powerful neighbour. First wehear of the subjection of what was known as Pannonia, by theRomans; then, when that great power began to wane, a motleyhorde under the great Attila swept down and founded a kingdom."Attila died in Pannonia in 453. Almost immediatelyafterwards the empire he had amassed rather than consolidatedfell to pieces. His too-numerous sons began to quarrel about theirinheritance; while Ardaric, the King of the Gepidae, placedhimself at the head of a general revolt of the dependent nations.The inevitable struggle came to a crisis near the river Netad, inPannonia, in a battle in which 30,000 of the Huns and theirconfederates, including Ellak,[1] Attila's eldest son, were slain.The nation thus broken rapidly dispersed. One horde settledunder Roman protection in Little Scythia (the Dobrudsha);others in Dacia Ripensis (on the confines of Servia and Bulgaria),or on the southern borders of Pannonia."[2] A traditionasserts that the Magyars are descendants of those Huns, who,after their defeat, returned to their homes in Asia. On theother hand, one of their most learned men says, we cannot[Pg viii]"form an accurate idea as to the part the Hungarians took inthe irruption of the Huns, with which event they are associatedin national tradition." But yet he adds, "we fairly claim thatthe ancestors of the Hungarians took part in the great devastatingcampaigns which Attila carried on against Rome and theChristian West, as far as France." Legend carries us stillfurther back, saying that the giant Nimrod had two sons namedHunyor and Magyar, from whom the Huns and Magyarsdescended.[3] Leaving legend, in history we find that theMagyars appeared in Europe about 884, first on the Ural,later on the banks of the middle Volga; and then, marchingwestward, passed over the Danube and the Bug, crossing theCarpathians between 888 and 900, under lmos, the father ofrpd,[4] the founder of modern Hungary, who is said to haveclaimed the country as his inheritance from Attila. The Magyars,then, are part of the numerous hordes of Turco-Tartar originwhich, impelled by some mighty impulse, left their home amid the[Pg ix]Altai mountains, and, conquering the divided forces on therich plains of Hungary, settled down, and so founded the racewhose tales form the body of this work.[5]

Foremost in the ranks of the latter party was the late StephenGyrfs, who denied that a lingua Cumenesca had ever existed,and that the various extant specimens are the remnants of thelanguage of a people of Magyar descent, who had become Turksduring the lapse of centuries.[33] His most powerful antagonistis Count Gjza Kuun, the learned editor of the Codex Cumanicus,[34]who espouses the cause of the Turkish party. Besides thevaluable Glossary preserved in the Codex, several versions ofthe Lord's Prayer and other scraps of the Cumanian tongue arein existence, and have been examined by competent scholars,and pronounced to be of undoubted Turkish origin.[35]

There is a tale which occurs in several localities about a giant'sdaughter who finds a husbandman, picks up him and his teamand puts them into her apron and carries them off as toys,showing them to her father. The father exclaiming angrily,"Take him back, as he and his fellow-creatures are destined tobe the lords of the globe," or "Their anger might cause ourruin," or "They will be our successors." We thus see that,while in the German tale the giant of Nideck-burg in Alsaciabids his daughter to take back the ploughman and his team forfear that by preventing his tilling the land the bread-supplymight fail, in the Hungarian tales the giant openly acknowledgesthe superior power of the human race.[66]

They have magic powers. They know when a stranger ishidden in their home. Doghead knows who has thrown backhis mace from a distance of 180 English miles. They areacquainted with the conjuring formul and charms of the fairies,and know how to overcome them. They have a thoroughknowledge of geography, and can give advice to those whoenter their service, &c. They have great physical strength,and can build huge castles and roads, subdue whole countries,amass treasures[69] which they have guarded even after their death.Magic beings, animals, and implements await their commands.

In one of Kozma's tales the hero is in possession of a rustypadlock, from which two giants appear whenever he commands.They produce by charms, a golden cloak, and a golden fortresson the swivel principle, which they hand over to their master ina nutshell. They then clothe the poor lad in a copper suit andseat him on a copper steed so that he may appear decentlydressed before the king; they change his miserable hovel into afine palace at eleven o'clock, and at noon the whole royal family,who are his guests, sit down to a sumptuous dinner; they carrytheir master and his royal bride across a sea of flames, &c. Thereare several other tales which attribute the power of flying togiants.

If you do not like to risk this, there is another way. Dye thefirst egg of a black hen, and take it with you to church in yourpocket on Easter Sunday, and observe the people as they walk[Pg xlii]into church. Some of them will have great difficulty in passingthrough the door on account of the length of their horns.When leaving the church, you must go out before them andput down the egg; or stand at the meeting of two cross-roads;or else they will carry you off. Witches, or other evil spirits,have no power at cross-roads. The popular tales describe thewitches as mothers of giants, or dragons.[87] The witch is capableof changing forms by turning somersaults.[88] They appear thenas a puddle, brook, golden pear-tree, fiery oven, &c. Theygrow so old that their lower lips hang down as far as theirknees; their eyelids also become elongated, so that if they wishto see anything the eyelid has to be lifted up with a huge ironrod, weighing 300 hundred-weights. be457b7860

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