For Parents



Have questions about Delta Chi? Here are some common questions answered.

Will Delta Chi interfere with school?


"No, Delta Chi offers academic assistance to brothers who need it. In order to remain active, one needs a 2.5 GPA. If a brother falls below this threshold, they are put under academic probation. On probation, they are put through a scholarship program where they receive tutoring and assistance pertaining to the course where it is needed. Of course, a brother may be put under this plan if they feel they require extra help. If they just require tutoring, the Scholarship Chair will assist them in finding a tutor."

-Fa'amao Asafo, Founding Scholarship Committee Chair

What does Delta Chi do?


"Delta Chi works on turning undergraduate students into men of action. We actively participate in community service events and are always looking for opportunities to help out. We host social events and work jointly with other campus organizations through socials or community service events. Delta Chi is focused on bettering not only it's members, but also the community and campus around each chapter."

-Christopher Salita, Founding Vice President

What is the cost of joining Delta Chi?


"The financial cost of joining Delta Chi is through dues, paid at the start of each semester. Dues are $500, and cover all fees for the member. This covers costs for initiation, membership fees, and operational costs of the chapter. Dues make up a large portion of our operating budget, and allow us to host events. Delta Chi does offer scholarships to members to assist with the payment of dues or other educational costs."

-Ben Otis, Founding Treasurer

Who are the chapter leaders?


"The chapter officers are elected from the chapter membership and any member may run for any position, provided they meet the GPA requirement established in the chapter by-laws. All members are eligible to vote in these elections and they are conducted through a majority rules voting system.

Chapter decisions are conducted through democratic voting on any decision regarding the functioning or conduct of the chapter. The UAA Delta Chi chapter belongs to its members, so there is no single person “in charge”, and it is instead run as a cooperative organization. See the officer section to contact a specific officer with questions."

-Cory Johannsen, Founding President

Does Delta Chi haze?


"Delta Chi takes pride in it's non-hazing organization. Nationally, Delta Chi was one of the first fraternities to abolish "Hell Week," in all chapters. Delta Chi sees hazing as a serious offense and takes action against any members who participate. As part of the Fraternal Information and Programming Group, "No chapter, colony, student or alumnus should conduct, participate in nor condone hazing activities. Permission or approval by a person being hazed is not a defense."

-Marcel Hollis, Founding Sergeant-at-Arms

What is Delta Chi after college?


"After graduating college, brothers become Delta Chi Alum, very similar to an alum of the University. Each chapter has an Alumni Board of Trustees, where Alum assist those undergraduate brothers in the chapter. Each chapter has an officer for Alumni Relations, who manages a regular Alumni Newsletter and hosts Alumni Events. Even if the brother moves away from the chapter here in Anchorage, they are allowed to be an Alum for a chapter in another area and participate in these events."

-Keon O'Brien, Founding Alumni Relations Officer