2018. 08  Liuqiu , Pingtung, Taiwan

期刊論文  Journal Articles

章節專書  Book Chapters

黃嘉莉、趙子揚、宋曜廷(2013)。教師情境判斷測驗編製之理論基礎與實踐。載於吳清基、黃嘉莉(主編),雲端時代的師資培育(pp. 97-124)。中華民國師範教育學會,台北。  PDF

Chao, K. H., & Chao, T. Y. (2011). The construction of text-based and game-based teacher career aptitude tests and validity comparisons. M. Chang et al. (Eds.): Edutainment 2011, Taipei, 527-531. PDF

博士論文  Doctoral Dissertation

趙子揚(2018)。中學生「不確定性考試壓力」模式之驗證。國立臺灣師範大學未發表之博士論文。 (指導教授:宋曜廷博士) [ Tzu-Yang, Chao. (2018). Validating the “uncertainty model of examination-stress” among secondary school students. National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan. (Principal Advisor: Dr. Yao-Ting Sung ) ] 

碩士論文 Master's Thesis

趙子揚(2006)。單純曝光效果:外顯與內隱測量。國立中正大學未發表之碩士論文。 (指導教授:高泉豐博士) [ Tzu-Yang, Chao. (2006). The mere exposure effect: Explicit and implicit measure.  National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan. (Principal Advisor: Dr. Chuan-Feng Kao) ]

研討會發表  Conference Presents

技術報告  Technical Reports