
A 2D chiral microcavity based on apparent circular dichroism

April, 2024, Published in Nature Communications

We propose a novel approach to engineer asymmetric transmission between left-handed and right-handed circularly polarized light in planar Fabry–Pérot microcavities without requiring nanofabrication. By embedding organic thin films exhibiting apparent circular dichroism (ACD), based on 2D chirality, we achieve significant asymmetry in cavity mode transmission. Our method preserves low mode volumes and enables a range of chiral light-matter phenomena, with potential applications in spintronics, polaritonics, and chiral lasing.

Chen, TL., Salij, A., Parrish, K.A. et al. A 2D chiral microcavity based on apparent circular dichroism. Nat Commun 15, 3072 (2024). 


Cavity-Enhanced Vernier SpectroscopY with a Chip-Scale Mid-Infrared Frequency Comb

(2022) Published on ACS Photonics (Journal cover)

Chip-scale optical frequency combs can provide broadband spectroscopy for diagnosing complex organic molecules. Here, we apply the Vernier technique to free-running operation of an interband cascade laser frequency comb in a simple linear geometry that performs cavity-enhanced chemical sensing. 

Optically switched dual-wavelength cavity ring-down spectrometer for high-precision isotope ratio measurements of methane δd in the near infrared

(2021) Analytical Chemistry 93(16) 6375-6384

We report a spectrometer employing optically switched dual-wavelength cavity ring-down spectroscopy (OSDW-CRDS) for high-precision measurements of methane isotope ratios. A waveguide optical switch rapidly alternated between two wavelengths to detect absorption by two isotopologues using near-infrared CRDS. 

Measuring the α-particle charge radius with muonic helium-4 ions

(2021) Nature 93(16) 6375-6384

The size of the helium nucleus has been determined using exotic helium atoms in which one electron has been replaced with its heavier cousin, a muon. The result sheds light on a decade-old puzzle regarding the proton radius.

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