
We are TL Chen Research Group. We focus on developing advanced ultra-sensitive spectroscopic sensing for multi-disciplinary research. We believe the innovation of laser spectroscopy integrated with optical resonators using all the way from the photonics perspective will improve the measuring tool, then change the way how we measure the world and think about science.

LATEST NEWS [熱騰騰新鮮事]

2024/04, 研究成果「A 2D chiral microcavity based on apparent circular dichroism」發表於 Nature Communication 國際期刊!


2024/06, 恭喜黃映瑞成功申請到大專生研究計畫
2024/06, 成功捕抓到霧氣中的微米顆粒!

2024/04, 博士後研究員(1名) 徵求中🧲

2024/01,  成功申請到3年期台玻雙邊國際合作計畫[量測宇宙星體速度],成員包含中央天文團隊及玻蘭 Prof. Lukasz (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology)。

2023/08,  恭喜豊智,實驗室第一台自製雷射點亮了!
2023/07/10,  歡迎凌琦、浚延、秉君、慶維 (碩一生們) 加入實驗室
2022/10/14, Let's welcome Dr. Yi-Jan Huang to join our group! 歡迎黃一展博士加入實驗室!!

2022/07/01, 獲得2030新秀學者計畫🎉! Exciting news! Dr. Tzu-Ling Chen gets a grant of the MOST 2030 Cross-Generation Young Scholars Program (Emerging Young Scholars新秀學者) for the research project "Development of Cavity-Enhanced Aerosol Mid-Infrared Spectrometer with Holographic Imaging to Explore Single-Particle Aerosol Physicochemistry Mixing State."

2022/08/11, 博士後研究員(1名) 徵求中!!!🧲

We are looking for new members to join our group. Applicable projects are primarily focused on development of laser spectroscopic techniques with optical cavities for applying in ultrasensitive molecular sensing, aerosol science, fundamental molecular property control, and quantum science. We do research by playing with optical resonators in both macro and micro scales. While the multiple round-trips forming in macro scale cavities enhance the sensitivity, the strong light-matter coupling emerging in microresonators provides opportunities in controlling chemical reactions and optical chiral properties. Besides, we will focus on exploring the possibilities of using microresonators for single aerosols studies.

We welcome researchers from many fields. If you are interested in an undergraduate project, or would like to join as a master, Ph.D. student or postdoc, please contact Dr. Tzu-Ling Chen tlc@nycu.edu.tw”. (For postdoc, please send your CV and motivation letter). Interested candidates should send their CV to “Lynn.aquantum@gmail.com”.



正在執行的計畫 Projects in progress:

