Who We Are

Abbie McCormick in the hospital after getting diagnosed with T1D at age 13 months, with her older sisters.

Growing up with two incredible sisters and parents, I was able to feel supported and valued within my diagnosis. However, I didn't learn until making my first Diabetic friend, at 5 years old, how impactful having someone who truly understands is. Since then, I have built my community of fellow diabetics which has benefited my journey with this diagnosis.

I was diagnosed with Type One Diabetes (T1D) when I was 13 months old, 18 years ago. I have grown up building my own relationship with my diagnosis of T1D and have faced many examples of discrimination due to stigma, ignorance, and lack of awareness. My career goal is to be a Diabetes Social Worker to help people learn how to care for their T1D while taking care of their mental health. 

Until then and hopefully continuously through the future, I want to build up this organization, @GlucoseGenius to work towards creating a space to share experiences as a diabetic, build community, find support, educate one another, and spread awareness! 

Within finding my own diabetic community, I learned how incredibly important it is to feel seen and understood by those who also experience life as a Type One Diabetic. I want to provide this to any type one diabetic who may be interested!

Thank you for your support!!

If you are Type One, and want to share your own story or learn how to get involved - sign up below!

If you are an ally, and want to learn more or hear updates on what we are up to - sign up below!

Contact Us:  glucosegenius@gmail.com