What We Do

We asked Diabetics of Clark* a few leading questions,

"What's the most beneficial part of having a diabetic community around you?"

"Having people around me who get it; who understand the toll it takes on your physical and mental health, and who will be here for advice, commiseration, juice boxes, and anything else you need."

"It makes you feel less weird about having diabetes because you have a group of people around you who also get it."

"Having people who understand the everyday struggle and burnout and can complain about it with you and share experiences."

*Clark University's club for Type One Diabetics to find community; a range of individuals that have been diagnosed with type one diabetes for less than 3 years ago, up to 18 years ago.

Through social media efforts, information sessions, eventually, working with partners, etc., we want to raise awareness about Type One, break down stigmas, and provide Type One Diabetics with a community of support and understanding.

Follow us to support our efforts! DM (or email) us if you want to get involved!