
"But what if something goes horribly wrong and we all end up dead?!"

Name: Strawberrysplash

Previous names: Strawberrykit, Strawberrypaw

Future names: -

Age: 25 moons

Gender: Female

Appearance: Strawberrysplash is a dark ginger she-cat with a short pelt. Her muzzle and underbelly are white, and her eyes are dark hazel in color.

Sexuality: Bisexual/Biromantic

Rank: Queen

Personality: Motherly | Protective | Loving | Nervous | Over-thinks | Overwhelmed easily

Having three kits of her own, Strawberrysplash is extremely motherly and protective. She's someone you can talk to and ask for advice, no matter what it is. Strawberrysplash is very loving, never bad-mouthing any cat unless they do something truly awful. Strawberry has a tendency to overthink things, which makes her nervous that the worst will happen, even if it's unlikely. She's overwhelmed easily, often panicking when something small happens, especially dealing with her kits.


  • Chickenkit, kit
  • Harekit, kit
  • Rainkit, kit
  • Clearsong, friend/potential love interest

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