
"And what do I get out of this arrangement, exactly?"

Name: Loki

Age: 17 moons

Gender: Male

Appearance: A sleek, black-pelted tom with yellow-green tinted eyes.

Sexuality: Pansexual/Panromantic

Rank: Kittypet

Personality: Mischievous | Prankster | Trickster | Flirty | Self Serving | Manipulative

Loki enjoys pranking and making fun of others, especially when they get on his nerves. Loki is a trickster, he likes to trick others and make them go on wild goose chases if they're annoying him. He also likes to tell odd, mystical stories to younger cats in order to deceive them. Loki is a flirty cat. He doesn't care about gender much, only thinking about if they can benefit him or if he likes their personality. Loki does things for his own gain. If a deed will get him something in return, he will likely do it. Loki can manipulate others to do his bidding, or just simply to mess with their minds for his own enjoyment.


  • N/A

Image found here https://s3.amazonaws.com/bpv2/images/articles/54/S7CUUBsKuemGFbvXl3jDKMD5uUclqNQoOkw1XJRK.jpeg