Log in to Google Sites

Login with Google Account.

Open or restricted.

A Google Site can be available to everybody or access may be restricted.

An example of an open Google Site is https://sites.google.com/view/noesa-unknown-settlers/home

If access is restricted you must login with a gmail address.

A gmail address is mandatory in order for Google to exercise its security.

The Duncan site is restricted, so we begin by looking at using a gmail account and how it connects with Google Sites. Then we look at how restrictions work, and how, if you have permission, you can add your comments.

Logging in

1. Launch your browser.
2. Open a Google search page.
3. The Sign in option is at top right. Click it.

4. I have a choice of accounts. There may only be one. Or a blank box to enter your gmail address.
5. Once the account is chosen or the gmail address is entered, move to the next box.

6. The password is entered. You can check the "Show password" box to see if you got the password right. Click Next.

If you are logged in there will be (usually) a letter in a circle. Hover on that circle and see who is logged in.

7. And the Google Sites construction area is reached.

See right screenshot.

From here you can choose which site to edit. Or you can begin new Google Site. If you wish to make a comment, then choose the Site that is relevant.

See page use restricted site for more.