Welcome to GLISA—


The latest at GLISA:

GLISA is proud to host an ALA presidential nominee and give our members a chance to hear from her directly and ask her questions.

RSVP Here!

Attend this Q&A session to get a better idea of what it means to be a GLISA officer and a chance to win some swag!

RSVP Here!

GLISA is looking to recruit new officers! This is a great opportunity to make a difference and boost your resume! 

Apply Here!

Your donations help us continue to be a resource for our members and put on events. 

Donate Here!

Get crafty with us this spooky season! 

RSVP Here!

We are pleased to host an evening with our SLIS director, Dr. Hoffman! 

RSVP Here!

We are pleased to introduce our newest officer!

GLISA Book Club

When: May 3 @7pm

How: RSVP here

GLISA 'Attend A Conference' Scholarship Winners

The winners of GLISA’s New Member Giveaway are… Marissa O’Leary, Cynthia Ramos, and Walkyria Orellana!!!

 Winners will be contacted via email and receive the GLISA swag items by mail soon. Keep an eye out for future giveaways for GLISA members and let us know if you have any questions! 

GLISA is excited to announce our Swag Giveaway Series! 

For this round, all new members of GLISA who joined from June 1 through September 3rd will be automatically entered - There is still time to join GLISA HERE before the winners are announced on Monday, September 4th! 

GLISA is excited to congratulate Dr. Gretchen Hoffman on becoming the New Director of SLIS at TWU! We are looking forward to the positive impact her service will bring to our community! 

2023-0412-GLISA-Library Resources

Thanks to everyone who joined us for our ALA Speaker Event with Joyce McIntosh! Closed captions for the video above can be found here

Follow Us!

GLISA Social Media Flyer.pdf