
Updates will be posted weekly.

Week 7: Bought parts.LED matrices, Wii Nunchuck adapter, and any extra parts and begin mapping out a schematic to create the project.

Week 8: Parts have arrived. Began assembling LED Matrix on the breadboard and connecting the Wii Nunchuk. Currently focussing on pin and port management since a lot of the pins have overlapping interface protocols. Also began considering simplifying our game.

Week 9: Sahil has begun researching how to interface the LED Matrix with the STM32 board. Rutvik has begun researching how to interface the Wii Nunchuk with the STM32 board. Looking into using the Arduino Uno to display the matrix states and send data from the STM32 to the Arduino via USART to trigger those states. Began writing code for the game logic. Still working the C code to interface the peripherals with the board.

Week 10: Swapped from SPI matrix to I2C matrix but decided to scratch LED Matrix since the documentation on how to interface STM32 to Arduino is very poor. Was extremely close with USART but decided to focus on creating the game state on the phone using the Bluetooth Module. Finished game logic and the various states of the game in C. Received gyroscope inputs from the Nunchuk and created an output logic to track movements away from the NULL state.

Week 11: Finished up final touches and filmed Demo. Play tested the game and fixed several problems with timing and clock running too fast or too slow.