Two-Player Memorization Arcade

Project by Rutvik Jha and Sahil Naik


We propose to make an arcade game that allows two players to play a game against each other. Initially, the players communicate with an interface on Termite which prompts them to begin playing a Pattern Memory Game. After beginning the game, the players can then use a Wii Nunchuk to control their actions in the game. Each players’ game board will potentially be represented using an 8x8 LED Matrix. In the memory game, players will be shown a sequential and successive pattern and their goal is to use the nunchuck to attempt to follow the pattern. After several rounds, a player may lose and the sequence number and winning player will be displayed. The game can be played on an Android phone via Bluetooth to make the game more portable and appealing.

Block Diagram

Demo Video

Link to our Demo: Two-Player Memorization Game