T.W.I.S.T. Conference 2021

15th Student Conference in Linguistics

Online Conference through Crowdcast.io

April 9, 10, 11

Language in Motion

What is the T.W.I.S.T. Conference?

The T.W.I.S.T. Conference is organized annually by T.W.I.S.T., the study association for Linguistics students at Leiden University. Each year, the conference provides a truly academic yet open and informal platform for undergraduate (BA), graduate (MA) and postgraduate (PhD) students to present their original research to fellow students and researchers from all over the Netherlands and abroad. 

The 2021 Conference was held online for three consecutive days, featuring a total of five keynote lectures by an expert in their field of study.

Through many engaging student talks, keynote lectures, and an interactive quiz, we strive to bring together linguistics students and other language enthousiasts from the most diverse research fields and subdisciplines.

How do I register for the Conference?

Registration has closed.

Since the conference is online this year, we don't do tickets! You can tune in to the Conference for free at https://www.crowdcast.io/e/twistconference/.

When you register, you will receive a confirmation email and you'll get notified right before the event goes live. But it's always good to note it down in your calendar!

When is the Conference held?

The 2021 Conference was held on April 9 (Fri), April 10 (Sat), and April 11 (Sun). On each day, we opened at 10:45 AM (GMT+2 (AMS)) with a welcome and a lecture by one of our five keynote speakers. Each day closed off at 3:30 PM (GMT+2 (AMS)) with a keynote lecture on Friday and Saturday, and a linguistics quiz on Sunday.

Where can I see the schedule?

You can see the schedule here.

Read more about our keynote speakers here.

How do I sign up as a speaker?

Abstract submission has closed as of February 1.

Where is the Conference held?

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, we have chosen to move this year's Conference to the virtual domain. Crowdcast.io will be our hosting platform. All you need in order to attend the Conference is a free Crowdcast account and a working internet connection. Read more about Crowdcast here.

We hope to see you in April at www.crowdcast.io.

Language in Motion

We live in an ever-changing world rarely is anything at stand-still. To emphasize the evolving nature of language and linguistics, we have picked 'Language in Motion' as this year's theme. This powerful metaphor (thank you Lakoff) is open for free interpretation: one might think of moving through space during migrations (past or present), envisage a language developing internally through time or conjure up the imagery of a (re)vitalized language ascending from the depths of collective oblivion to the hallmark of modern times: the Internet. How does your language move?

Got a question?

Don't hesitate to send us an email at conference@studieverenigingtwist.nl.

Also check out our Instagram and Facebook page.

Who organizes the Conference?

The conference is organized by the Conference Committee of Studievereniging T.W.I.S.T., the study association for Linguistics at Leiden University. Meet the committee members here.