T.W.I.S.T. Conference 2020

14th Student Conference in Linguistics

LUMC, Leiden University

April 17 - 18 [cancelled]

Lost in Language


Due to coronavirus outbreak and the consequent measures taken by the Dutch government, we have decided to cancel the conference. We would like to express our thanks to everyone who submitted their abstract and to all who showed interest in and supported the conference.

If you bought a ticket on Eventbrite, you will be given a full refund.

Please do not hesitate to discuss any of your questions or concerns by sending us an email: conference@studieverenigingtwist.nl

What is the T.W.I.S.T. Conference?

The T.W.I.S.T. Conference is organized annually by T.W.I.S.T., the study association for Linguistics students at Leiden University. Each year, the conference provides a truly academic yet open and informal platform for undergraduate (BA), graduate (MA) and postgraduate (PhD) students to present their original research to fellow students and researchers from all over The Netherlands and abroad. The conference is held for two days, each day starting and ending with an hour-long keynote lecture by an expert in their field of study. 

Through many engaging student talks, workshops and an interactive quiz, we strive to bring together students interested in language from the most diverse research fields and subdisciplines.

This year's conference revolves around the theme 'Lost in Language', about how studying language is all about getting lost and being absorbed in language, in all its mysteries and secrets. 

How do I register for the Conference?

Registration is now open. You can get a one-day ticket for € 6 or a two-day ticket for € 10. No worries, if you miss the opportunity to buy your ticket online, you can always show up at the conference and register on-site. Buy your tickets now at Eventbrite.com.

Where can I see the schedule?

The schedule will be published in February. Please check back here to see the latest version of the schedule.

When is the Conference held?

The 2020 Conference is held on April 17th (Fri) and April 18th (Sat). On-site registration is open from 9:30 on these days. The first keynote lecture starts at 10:00. The last lecture finishes at 17:00.

The official schedule will be published in February.

Where is the Conference held?

The Conference is held in the LUMC building, which is Leiden's university hospital. The Conference committee will welcome you at the desk on route 554 on the first floor. On both days, the first lecture will take place in room CZ-5 on route 558.

Address: Albinusdreef 2, 2333 ZA Leiden

The LUMC building is a 4-minute walk from the Leiden Central train station.

Does the organization cover the visa fee or travel costs for student speakers?

Unfortunately, we are not in a position to do that. Any fees regarding visa, transport or lodging are to be financed by the student speakers themselves. 

We do offer a couchsurfing service instead, for which you can sign up when you fill out the Registration form.

Will there be a free lunch at the Conference?

Yes! On both days, fresh sandwiches, fruit and drinks are available during the lunch break in the main hall. There will be plenty of vegetarian and vegan options. Coffee, tea and snacks are available throughout the day.

Lunch, coffee and tea are included in your ticket.

How do I sign up as a speaker?

The deadline for abstract submissions has closed as of February 15th. 

Those who have submitted their abstract have a chance to be selected as one of the 22 student speakers that make up the conference. We have received submissions from BA, MA, and PhD students who can present their research in a 20-minute talk.

Speaking at the conference will give you the chance to polish your presentation skills, and you might gain new insights in your own work through questions from the audience. Attending the conference as a speaker will grant you free entrance on the day you are speaking and will allow you join the Speakers Dinner where you can get to know students from other universities and exchange your thoughts.

Got a question?

Don't hesitate to send us an email at conference@studieverenigingtwist.nl.

Also check out our Instagram and Facebook page.

Who organizes the Conference?

The conference is organized by the Conference Committee of Studievereniging T.W.I.S.T., the study association for Linguistics at Leiden University. Meet the committee members here.

Where can I see the posters?

Posters promoting the conference can be seen around the Lipsius building in Leiden, but also at other Universities' linguistics departments such as Nijmegen, Amsterdam, Utrecht, and Groningen. 

You can check them out right here.