The only reason why one would use the tilde as version requirement is if you have to deal with "zero" versions that get compatible updates. The tilde does not differ between ~0.1 and ~1.1, in both cases it will allow updates up to the next major version number (below 1.0 or 2.0 respectively). The caret operator will disallow minor updates in this range: ^0.1 does not allow updates to 0.2, because in semantic versioning a zero-dot-something version may introduce incompatible changes when going to zero-dot-something+1.

In Composer, what's often referred to casually as a version -- that is,the string that follows the package name in a require line (e.g., ~1.1 or1.2.*) -- is actually more specifically a version constraint. Composeruses version constraints to figure out which refs in a VCS it should bechecking out (or to verify that a given library is acceptable inthe case of a statically-maintained library with a version specificationin composer.json).

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Normally, Composer deals with tags (as opposed to branches -- if you don'tknow what this means, read up onversion control systems).When you write a version constraint, it may reference a specific tag (e.g.,1.1) or it may reference a valid range of tags (e.g., >=1.1

If you want Composer to check out a branch instead of a tag, you need to point it to the branch using the special dev-* prefix (or sometimes suffix; see below). If you're checking out a branch, it's assumed that you want to work on the branch and Composer actually clones the repo into the correct place in your vendor directory. For tags, it copies the right files without actually cloning the repo. (You can modify this behavior with --prefer-source and --prefer-dist, see install options.)

When branch names look like versions, we have to clarify for Composer that we're trying to check out a branch and not a tag. In the above example, we have two version branches: v1 and v2. To get Composer to check out one of these branches, you must specify a version constraint that looks like this: v1.x-dev. The .x is an arbitrary string that Composer requires to tell it that we're talking about the v1 branch and not a v1 tag (alternatively, you can name the branch v1.x instead of v1). In the case of a branch with a version-like name (v1, in this case), you append -dev as a suffix, rather than using dev- as a prefix.

Composer recognizes the following stabilities (in order of stability): dev,alpha, beta, RC, and stable where RC stands for release candidate. The stabilityof a version is defined by its suffix e.g version v1.1-BETA has a stability ofbeta and v1.1-RC1 has a stability of RC. If such a suffix is missinge.g. version v1.1 then Composer considers that version stable. In additionto that Composer automatically adds a -dev suffix to all numeric branches andprefixes all other branches imported from a VCS repository with dev-. In bothcases the stability dev gets assigned.

There's one more thing that will affect which files are checked out of a library's VCS and added to your project: Composer allows you to specify stability constraints to limit which tags are considered valid. In the above example, note that the library released a beta and two release candidates for version 1.1 before the final official release. To receive these versions when running composer install or composer update, we have to explicitly tell Composer that we are ok with release candidates and beta releases (and alpha releases, if we want those). This can be done using either a project-wide minimum-stability value in composer.json or using "stability flags" in version constraints. Read more on the schema page.

To allow various stabilities without enforcing them at the constraint levelhowever, you may use stability-flags like@ (e.g. @dev) to let Composer know that a given packagecan be installed in a different stability than your default minimum-stabilitysetting. All available stability flags are listed on the minimum-stabilitysection of the schema page.

You can test version constraints using in a package name and it will autofill the default version constraintwhich Composer would add to your composer.json file. You can adjust theversion constraint and the tool will highlight all releases that match.

I am trying to install version 1.2.2 of MySQL_python, using a fresh virtualenv created with the --no-site-packages option. The current version shown in PyPi is 1.2.3. Is there a way to install the older version? I have tried:

Thanks to @Peter for highlighting this (and it seems that the context of the question has broadened given the time when the question was first asked!), the documentation for Python discusses a caveat with using -I, in that it can break your installation if it was installed with a different package manager or if if your package is/was a different version.

-I will not uninstall the existing package before proceeding; it will just install it on top of the old one. This means that any files that should be deleted between versions will instead be left in place. This can cause weird behavior if those files share names with other installed modules.

In my case, this manifested with strange syntax errors because the newer version of the package added a file that was only compatible with Python 3, and when I downgraded package versions to support Python 2, I continued importing the Python-3-only module.

Here, if you're using -I option while installing(when you don't know if the package is already installed) (like 'pip install -Iv pyreadline == 2.* 'or something), you would be installing a new separate package with the same existing package having some different version.

3.if the list of the packages contain any package that you wish to install with specific version then the better option is to uninstall the package of this version first, by pip uninstall package-name

I saw a post with concerns that has been arbitrarily closed without any real answers, I was really expecting a little more understanding from the postman team, but it seems the issue is being heavily forced without even providing a real answer to the problem.

So I ask this again is there a way to keep using collections in offline mode without having them synced to the cloud, not getting access to the collection data but using the collection features, creating new collections and managing existing ones without sync

All customer data is stored on the Amazon Relational Database Service and configured securely. Data is stored with at least dual redundancy, with 15-day backups, and is accessible only in the private cloud. We have also instituted per-service access protection and data isolation.

Also, your sensitive data at rest is encrypted on the server side before storage using AES-256-GCM. The Advanced Encryption Standard with Galois Counter Mode (AES-GCM) provides authenticated encryption, which ensures data confidentiality and integrity.

We maintain all internal testing and validation data in a production-stack equivalent internal stack populated with fictitious data, meaning Postman does not distribute customer data for internal testing or validation purposes.

Edit: My reason for the question is that a web-app, which requires Flash and Java, suddenly stopped working. So I'm looking for a quick workaround to temporarily run the old version of Chrome side-by-side with the current version. - Also for web-development I'm used to be able to do some testing with previous versions. From my experience with Firefox, I am able to do this without jumping through lots of hoops, as Firefox makes all old versions available for download! I do not understand the policy of Google in this regard.

Chromium will not auto-update, thus this will keep on working albeit without any security updates, so use at your own risk (better in a VM). - More versions can be found by following the step-by-step instructions for Downloading old builds of Chromium:

File Hippo lists previous versions with the correct MD5 hashes, but always links to the latest official one. This information still helps, as the MD5 can be used to find out, if an unofficial source has the original file. Here is one such file with Chrome 44.0.2403.130 on SourceForge: - The MD5 is listed here 2E0A856BF525D196323890D72A80E902 If you trust the source of the MD5 hash, then the file should be trustworthy, but Google does not publish the hashes of their releases. The same steps can be followed to locate a windows version of Chrome 44 by searching for chrome_installer.exe.

NOTE: The only caveat: some security vulnerability(ies) were patched in I suggest using this browser with a reputable AdBlocker (like Adblocker Plus, Adblock) and a good anti-malware/antivirus combo like ESET/Malwarebytes.

In 44.0.2403.157, you may encounter some hassles. You will have to enable NPAPI support in settings, "Enable NPAPI Mac, Windows. Enables the use of NPAPI plugins. This flag will be removed in Chrome 45, along with NPAPI support." There is also a "Deprecation guide" in place. [2]

The Julia app name is assigned in your PC (you should uninstall previous Julia instances not installed with the Julia(up) app). When you launch the Julia app from Windows Start menu, you get a REPL using the default Julia version you defined in juliaup. Or just get the REPL by typing julia in the powershell.

I am extremely new to emberjs, but I was able to find this ember.js - Upgrading Ember inside of Ember-CLI - Stack Overflow . My understanding is that the ember version will be handled by bower, not ember-cli. You can also see the version in the bower.json file. I am also pretty sure there are better ways of doing this, but this should work for now. Also here is the page for the main builds which might be easier to keep up with rather than specific versions: Releases - Ember.js

Don't parse xml without an xml parser, it is not mandatory that the first version tag is the one of your project, it could be the parent pom, it could be anything... Maven provides you with the tools to access all of its data (see 0852c4b9a8

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