Word of Truth Radio offers relaxing Christian music and inspiring classical hymns. The goal of this station is to glorify the Lord through soothing and uplifting sounds, such as the piano, harp, violin, and classical guitar, as well as other traditional instruments. The mixture results in a peaceful blend of traditional Christian instrumental music that will turn your mind away from the stress of life and towards the love and compassion of Christ.

The music for this video are hymns of faith played by Beverly Carmichael Heid, a woman of great faith who learned to play piano to help herself with the challenging times in her life...and continued playing to share with others going through similar challenging times. We appreciate Bev teaming up with DisciplesNet Church to make this video possible.

The video editing on this video is by Susan McNeely, who shares her time, photos, and sense of God's presence in putting this work together.

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