
Ongoing research

Income inequality and income dynamics in Finland (part of the GRID project, with Terhi Ravaska and Pengpeng Xiao)

Intergenerational transmission of cognitive and non-cognitive skills (with Orazio Attanasio, Tuomas Kosonen, Áureo de Paula and Essi Viding)

Take-up of Social Assistance in Finland

Privately held firms and children (with Terhi Ravaska)

Inheritance taxation and family firms (with Simen Markussen, Stefano Lombardi, Terhi Ravaska, Knut Røed and Peter Rønø Thingholm)

Personal income taxation and firm formation (with Terhi Ravaska)

Working papers and reports

Labour supply responses to reducing the risk of losing disability insurance benefits (with Terhi Ravaska), VATT Working Papers 163, 2024

The role of privately held firms in income inequality (with Terhi Ravaska and Marja Riihelä), IFS Working Paper 23/36, 2023

Inequality in Finland: 1987-2021 (with Terhi Ravaska and Marja Riihelä), IFS Report, 2023 (part of the IFS Deaton Review Country Studies)

See also our Policy Brief (in Finnish).

Once or twice a month? The impact of payment frequency on spending behaviour (with Jani-Petri Laamanen and Tuomas Matikka), VATT Working papers 147, 2022


Examining inequalities: from labour markets to social outcomes in Finland, Fiscal Studies, 2024 (with Terhi Ravaska and Marja Riihelä)

Does information increase the take-up of social benefits? Evidence from a new benefit program, Empirical Economics, 2022 (with Tuomas Matikka) (pre-publication version available here)

See also our Policy Brief (in Finnish).

Promoting education under distortionary taxation: Equality of Opportunity versus Welfarism, Journal of Economic Inequality, 2022 (with Pertti Haaparanta, Ravi Kanbur, Jukka Pirttilä and Matti Tuomala

See also our VoxEU column.

Optimal taxation and public provision for poverty reduction, International Tax and Public Finance, 2018 (with Ravi Kanbur, Jukka Pirttilä and Matti Tuomala)

Does experience rating reduce sickness and disability claims? Evidence from policy kinks, Journal of Health Economics, 2018 (with Tomi Kyyrä)


Sosiaaliset normit ohjaavat eläkkeelle jäämistä, SustAgeable Policy Brief 1/2024 (with Noora Järnefelt, Kati Kuitto, Tomi Kyyrä, Terhi Ravaska and Aart-Jan Riekhoff)

Ilmastonmuutoksen hillintään tarvitaan hintojen ohjausvaikutusta, VATT-blogi Anna Saharin kanssa, 2023

Työkyvyttömyyseläkkeiden maksuluokkamallin kannustinvaikutukset, Eläketurvakeskuksen raportteja 7/2015 (yhdessä Tomi Kyyrän kanssa)

Työnantajan omavastuuperiaate työkyvyttömyyseläkkeissä, Eläketurvakeskuksen raportteja 4/2012 (yhdessä Tomi Kyyrän ja Juha Tuomalan kanssa)