

・本セミナーは, 東京理科大学経営学部ビジネスエコノミクス学科において, 経済学・ゲーム理論に関連した研究について講演をしていただくものです。参加希望の方は担当者(中田, snakada at rs.tus.ac.jp)までご連絡ください.



510日(金): 16:20-17:50 富士見校舎4階404教室

発表者: 多鹿 智哉 (日本大学経済学部)

タイトル:Evolution of Information Projection Bias through Costly Communication in Overlapping Generations Organizations (Joint with Kohei Daido)

概要:In organizations with overlapping generations, behavioral bias affects performance through promotion decisions. This study focuses on information projection bias and examines its effects on communication efforts and the overall performance of an organization adopting a performance-based promotion system to select the next-generation manager among current subordinates. We show that the bias generally disrupts communication between an incumbent manager and subordinates and that the expected overall performance is single-peaked with respect to the manager's bias. When considering the bias distribution among newly promoted managers, we find that a more biased group is likely to select a more biased manager. This trend becomes stronger over generations and the expected overall performance increases when the variety of the bias degree is restricted and communication efforts are complements. By contrast, in a competitive organization, the manager's bias diminishes over generations. Nonetheless, the overall performance decreases when the variety of the bias degree is sufficient. Our results contribute to the understanding of the effects of diversity in an organization on its performance.

6月7日(金): 16:20-17:50  富士見校舎4階404教室

発表者: 橘高 勇太 (一橋大学社会科学高等研究院)

タイトル:Behavioral Changes in Different Designs of Search Experiments (Joint with Ryo Mikami and Natsumi Shimada)

概要:While search experiments are available in various designs, growing experimental evidence suggests that individual search behavior depends on design details. We conduct an experiment providing the first categorization and comparison of several search experiment designs widely accepted in search studies. These designs can be categorized as passive, quasi-active, and active, according to the degree of flexibility in decision-making regarding the search. Despite the experimental designs being based on an identical model, we found significant differences in participants’ behavior across designs. The average number of searches was the highest and closest to the theory-predicted value in the active design. In contrast, participants searched significantly less in the quasi-active and passive designs compared with the active design. These results suggest that the widely accepted design, which requires participants to make decisions based on a given offer rather than choosing among potential alternatives themselves, may have unexpected effects on participants’ behavior. Furthermore, we found that participants’ risk aversion had a significant effect only in the passive design, implying that differences in out-of-model factors across designs (e.g., the timing of decision-making and recall settings) might influence behavior through risk preferences. We also provide other methodological implications for future experiments.

913日(金): 16:20-18:40  富士見校舎


発表者:津川 修一(龍谷大学経済学部)


発表者:中村 健正(一橋大学大学院経済学研究科院生)

9月24日(): 16:20-17:50  富士見校舎

発表者:柏木 柚香(日本大学経済学部)