National Holidays

Founding Day

Date: February 5th

Created Because: We wanted to celebrate the founding of our nation, and our independence from the United States.

Activities: Parades and home celebrations

Monarch Day

Date: January 23rd

Created Because: We wanted to celebrate our Monarch. January 23rd is his date of birth.

Activities: Feasts and gifts for the King

National Clean Turoga Day

Date: July 13th

Created Because: Turoga should be seen as a country that cares for the environment 

Activities: Going around the nation picking up trash

Election Day

Date: February 10th

Created Because: Voting for the Prime Minister is very important for Turogans.

Activities: Voting for Prime Minister

Ulster Day

Date: February 28thth

Created Because: The Kingdom of Ulster had officially dissolved, leaving most of their population to Turoga.

Activities: Enjoying Ulstan culture and cuisine.