
Our Ranking System

At Türkiye Virtual we have created one of the best ranking structures that work perfectly with our ever-changing and always growing fleet and routes.

Our ranking system has been carefully designed to accommodate our pilots in the best manner possible. We use a flexible structure that fosters growth and encourages our pilots to fly tons of flights from the beginning!

Lower Ranks

From 0 to 10 hours

Unlocks routes: 0-3hrs

From 10 to 40 hours

Unlocks routes: 0-5hrs

From 40 to 125 hours

Unlocks routes: 0-7hrs

From 125 to 250 hours

Unlocks routes: 0-9hrs

From 250 to 500 hours

Unlocks routes: 0-11hrs

From 500 to 750 hours 

Unlocks routes: 0-13hrs

Upper Ranks


From 750 to 1000 hours

Unlocks All Routes


From 1000 to 1250 hours

Unlocks Perks


From 1250 to 2000 hours

Unlocks More Perks


From 2000 hours +

Unlocks Access to Istanbul Lounge



Our Miles&Styles program consists of 4 status cards, each card holding a specific requirement in order to unlock special perks. Obtaining one of the status cards can easily elevate your TKVA experience, rewarding you for flying.

The Türkiye Virtual Classic Card is the first card in the Miles&Styles program. The card is automatically awarded upon reaching 250,000 nautical miles after combining mileage from all flights. Members who have the Classic Card gain access to our special Discord Miles&Styles lounge, extended multipliers on flights, priority gate choice in events, and more!

The Türkiye Virtual Classic Plus Card is the second card in the Miles&Styles program. Upon reaching a combined 500,000 nautical miles on all flight, pilots may obtain this card. The card provides cardholders the opportunity to choose event routes, choose routes for our weekly ROTW, priority departure & arrival + higher priority over Classic Card members on previous perks. 

The Türkiye Virtual Elite Card is the third card in the Miles&Styles program. A combined 750,000 nautical miles is required to obtain this specific card. The card allows cardholders to choose codeshare routes to be added, movie night choice (Yes, you heard that right), a bonus of 2 hours for each referral, and higher priority on previous perks earned!

The Türkiye Virtual Elite Plus Card is the final card in the Miles&Styles program. A total of 1 million nautical miles marks the reward of this signature card. The Elite Plus card provides the highest priority on all previous perks along with access to our final lounge, best known as “The Istanbul Lounge”. Members have early access to sneak peeks, can represent us as ambassadors to our VA, and the highest priority on all previous perks earned!