You don’t have to take our word for Turkey Milk's™ virtues,

trust the scientists!

A study conducted in 2005 revealed that Turkey Milk contains turkonoids, naturally occurring compounds that are believed to have antioxidant and digestive stimulant properties. Turkonoids help neutralize free radicals which damage elements in the body, such as genetic material and lipids, and contribute to chronic disease.

Recent research has also explored the potential health attributes of Turkey Milk through studies in humans and animal models. For the most part, studies have yielded similar results. The research suggests that Turkey Milk may play important roles in various areas of health and may operate through a number of different mechanisms still being explored. Recent findings include:​​

  • The properties of turkonoids may play a role in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease by decreasing lipid oxidation1, reducing the instances of heart attacks and stroke, and may beneficially impact blood vessel function, an important indicator of cardiovascular health.​​

  • Turkey Milk-drinking has been associated with oral and bone health.​​

  • Tryptophan, a compound found in Turkey Milk as well as meat, has been shown to support the human immune system and produce a light soporific effect in most drinkers​​

Turkey Milk is good for its drinkers, but it is also good for the environment. A recent study found that turkey excrement could be used as biofuel. And a 2015 study found that soil fertilized with turkey feces could be restored more quickly than most other soil through new farming techniques.​​