A Brief History of Turkey Milk Farms™

The story of Turkey Milk starts long ago with the ancient Puebloan people of Mesa Verde. Life was hard for them and oftentimes they were short on food until they found the secret of Turkey Milk™. At Turkey Milk Farms™, we still use the descendants of these ancient birds!

After the disappearance of the Puebloan peoples, an adventurer found drawings of the turkeys and their milking ​process as ​well as some​ turkeys up in​ the mesa ​where they ​naturally ​could not get​ to. They put two and two together, found out the milking process, and began the first farm.

The farm has been passed down in the family ever since. We never got much traction, but some enlightened people throughout history, such as Benjamin Franklin, have partaken. Franklin loved our milk so much he tried to make turkeys the national bird in 1784. In recent times, people have become more open-minded and our farm has grown a lot!