
I study group theory and mathematical logic, in particular complexity notions with a computability-theoretic or combinatorial flavor in finitely generated groups. These questions are naturally related to combinatorial group theory, computability theory, and model theory. Some specific (but still quite broad) topics that I am interested in include:

Research opportunities for students:

I am currently recruiting students to conduct research with me on the abovementioned topics as paid research assistants. If you are interested, please contact me directly via email, and include a list of related courses (and grades) you have taken and what your favorite topics and/or courses are. 

My research is partially supported by NSF grant no. 2054558.

My collaborators: Uri Andrews, Bogdan Chlebus, Seongjun Choi, Laura Ciobanu, William Cocke, Matthew Cordes, Moon Duchin, Yen Duong, Alex Evetts, Johanna N. Y. Franklin, Matthew Harrison-Trainor, Stephen C. Jackson, Julia Knight, Steffen Lempp, Russel G. Miller, Mark Pengitore, Ayla P. Sánchez, Noah Schweber.

You can also see my publications on Arxiv, MathSciNet, or Google Scholar.

Book Chapter: