Real Analysis, Fall 2023


Lecture times and exercise sessions:

Course description:

The course Real Analysis will pick up where Measure and Integration left off. We will focus less on Lebesgue measure, and more on abstract measures. We will start by proving three key theorems in abstract measure theory, namely

After these fundamental results, the following topics are covered:

Course materials:

We will be mostly be following Walter Rudin's Real and Complex Analysis. The following hand-written lecture notes are largely base on that book. Acquiring the book isn't necessary, the notes cover everything.

Tuomas' notes:

Katrin's notes:

Tuomas's notes

Katrin's notes

Presentation topics


The length of the presentation should be 5 p. of written text + 45 minutes of oral presentation. Topics are suggested below, but you'll need to plan yourself how to make the presentation into a "satisfying" piece under the space/time constraints. You probably can't fit the details of all the proofs, but you should write the details of some proofs. Same applies for the oral presentation: you need to assess carefully which details are "the most interesting" for the audience, and which details can be left out.


Exercise sessions in the 1st period were hosted by Francesco Nobili. Exercise sessions starting October 19 were hosted by Max Goering