
(Updated April 2022)


    • Mendelson, Haim and Tunay I. Tunca, Strategic Trading, Liquidity and Information Acquisition, 2004, Review of Financial Studies, 17 (2), 295-337. Paper

        • Strategic liquidity traders slow down the dissemination of information in dynamic trading and reduce investment in information acquisition.

        • Lead Article in the Issue

    • Tunca, Tunay I. and Stefanos A. Zenios, Supply Auctions and Relational Contracts for Procurement, 2006, M&SOM, 8 (1), 43-67. Paper

        • Finalist for the M&SOM Best Published Paper Award, 2009

    • August, Terrence and Tunay I. Tunca, Network Software Security and User Incentives, 2006, Management Science, 52 (11), 1703-1720. Paper

    • Mendelson, Haim and Tunay I. Tunca, Strategic Spot Trading in Supply Chains, 2007, Management Science, 53 (5), 742-759. Paper

    • August, Terrence and Tunay I. Tunca, Let the Pirates Patch? An Economic Analysis of Software Security Patch Restrictions, 2008, Information Systems Research, 19 (1), 48-70. Paper

    • Tunca, Tunay I., Information Precision and Asymptotic Efficiency of Industrial Markets, 2008, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 44 (9-10), 964-996. Paper

        • Provides a theoretical model of bilateral oligopoly and shows that a very large number of buyers and suppliers does not necessarily imply a competitive market.

        • NET Institute Research Grant, 2004

    • Tunca, Tunay I. and Qiong Wu, Multiple Sourcing and Procurement Process Selection with Bidding Events, 2009, Management Science, 55 (5), 763-780. Paper

    • Porteus, Evan, Hyo duk Shin and Tunay I. Tunca, Feasting on Leftovers: Strategic Use of Shortages in Price Competition among Differentiated Products, 2010, M&SOM, 12 (1), 140-161. Paper

    • Shin, Hyo duk and Tunay I. Tunca, Do Firms Invest in Forecasting Efficiently? The Effect of Competition on Demand Forecast Investments and Supply Chain Coordination, 2010, Operations Research, 58 (6), 1592-1610. Paper

    • August, Terrence and Tunay I. Tunca, Who should be Responsible for Software Security? A Comparative Analysis of Liability Policies in Network Environments, 2011, Management Science, 57 (5), 934-959. Paper

        • Studies the effectiveness of software security liability policies under zero-day and non-zero-day threats

        • Finalist for the Management Science Best Published IS Paper Award, 2014

        • INFORMS Editor’s Cut, 2018

    • Pei, Pamela Pen-Erh, David Simchi-Levi and Tunay I. Tunca, Sourcing Flexibility, Spot Trading, and Procurement Contract Structure, 2011, Operations Research, 59 (3), 578–601. Paper

        • Finalist, M&SOM Student Paper Competition, 2007

    • Tunca, Tunay I. and Qiong Wu, Fighting Fire with Fire: Commercial Piracy and the Role of File Sharing on Copyright Protection Policy for Digital Goods, 2013, Information Systems Research, 24 (2), 436-453. Paper

    • August, Terrence, Hyo duk Shin and Tunay I. Tunca, Licensing and Competition for Services in Open Source Software, 2013, Information Systems Research, 24 (4), 1068–1086. Paper

    • Tunca, Tunay I., D.J. Wu and Fang Vivian Zhong, An Empirical Analysis of Price, Quality, and Incumbency in Procurement Auctions, 2014, M&SOM, 16 (3), 346-364. Paper

    • August, Terrence, Hyo duk Shin and Tunay I. Tunca, Generating Value through Open Source: Software Service Market Regulation and Licensing Policy, 2018, Information Systems Research, 29 (1), 186–205. Paper

    • Tunca, Tunay I. and Weiming Zhu, Buyer Intermediation in Supplier Finance, 2018, Management Science, 64 (12), 5631-5650. Paper

        • ISI Highly Cited Paper (top 1%) in Economics & Business

        • Winner, M&SOM, iFORM Best Published Paper Award, 2019

        • Winner, POMS Supply Chain Management Student Paper Competition, 2016

        • Finalist, M&SOM Student Paper Competition, 2016

        • Honorable Mention, CSAMSE Best Paper Award, 2015

    • Ming, Liu and Tunay I. Tunca, Consumer Equilibrium, Demand Effects, and Efficiency in Group Buying, 2021, Forthcoming at M&SOM. Paper

    • Mendelson, Haim and Tunay I. Tunca, Business-to-Business Electronic Markets: Does trading on new information create value and for whom?, in “Managing in the Information Economy”, 209-230, Apte, U. M. & Karmarkar, U. S., eds., 2007, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA.

    • Tunca, Tunay I. and Weiming Zhu, Improving Channel Efficiency through Financial Guarantees by Large Supply Chain Participants. Forthcoming in Supply Chain Finance: Recent Research and Advances in Practice. Foundations and Trends in Technology, Information and Operations Management, Corbett, C. J., Editor-in-Chief, 2017, NOW Publishers, Boston, MA.

    • Tunca, Tunay I., Operational Factors in the Sharing Economy: A Framework, in Sharing Economy: Making Supply Meet Demand, 55-71, Springer Series in Supply Chain Management, 6, Hu, M., Editor, 2019, Springer, New York, NY.

  • Working Papers

    • Ming, Liu, Tunay I. Tunca, Yi Xu, and Weiming Zhu, An Empirical Analysis of Market Formation, Pricing, and Revenue Sharing in Ride Hailing Services. (Under revision.) Paper

    • Noh, Daehoon, Tunay I. Tunca, and Yi Xu, Evolution of Ride Services: Sharing or Vertical Integration? (Under revision.) Paper

    • Tunca, Tunay I., Production Cost Forecasts, Channel Fragmentation, and Procurement Efficiency in Supply Chains. (Under revision.)

  • Other

    • Lee, Deishin and Tunay I. Tunca, Konys, Inc., 2012, HBS Case N9-613-065. Case

      • Abstract (from HBS Website): This case describes the sourcing policy for a consumer electronics company. The company must decide how to structure contracts with their supplier—using a purchase contract, an option contract, or combination of the two. The company can also buy from the spot market. The students use a spreadsheet model with Monte Carlo simulation to analyze the contracting options.

    • August Terrence and Tunay I. Tunca, Comments on Incentives to Adopt Improved Cybersecurity Practices, 2013, Department of Commerce Invited commentary on the President’s Executive Order – “Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity”. Paper