Classwork Tab

Working with the Classwork Tab

The second tab is the Classwork tab which accomplishes two big tasks for you: first, it allows you to post various materials (assignments, quizzes, etc.) for students to access. Second, this tab allows you to create a structure for organizing your posted materials.

Plan for Getting Started

  1. View the Posting Material video and try posting a document, video, or link for students to access.

  2. View the Posting Assignments video and try posting an assignment to be graded (unlike posting material).

  3. View the video How Students Complete Assignments to see how students turn in assignments for you to then grade and return.

  4. Be sure to understand The Assignment Cycle (assign, turn-in, grade and return).

Easy Wins:

  • Create a Topic to quickly group and organize materials and assignments

  • Post Reading and Video materials for students to view.

Posting Material

Posting Assignments

How Students Complete Assignments

The Assignment Cycle

Creating Self-Grading Quizzes

How to Grade Assignments