Google Sheets

Google Sheets is a spreadsheet program. It can be used to view and sort downloaded grades from Google Classroom. You can create your own data sheets or assignments. Google sheets also links nicely to Google Forms as an easy tool to view collected information from your students, co-workers and families.

Google Sheets can be used as a tool to:

  • View, graph and sort assessment results

  • Create Pixel Art assignments (reveal picture)

  • Content Spreadsheets with tabs for different standards

  • Collect student growth data

  • Create grade sheets

  • Create attendance sheets

  • Math assignments

  • Fluency trackers

and much more..

Quick Beginners Guide

Watch this to get a quick overview of what Google Sheets is and how to access it.

Google Forms and Google Classroom Connections

Downloading grades from Google Classroom into Sheets.

Downloading grades from Google Classroom into Sheets.

Using Google Sheets for collecting data.

Collecting data in Google Forms and downloading it in to a Google Sheet.

Different Uses for Google Sheets

Importing a Rubric from Google Sheets to Google Classroom.

How to create Pixel Art assignments in Google Sheets.

Creating a Grade book in Google Sheets.

Creating a Teacher Planner on Google Sheets.

Additional Quick Tips and Ideas

Using the website Flippity and Sheets to individualize student learning.

Google Sheet Hacks for Teachers.

Tracking student data over time with Google Sheets.

Creating a table in Google Sheets.

Auto Send Certificates

Using Google Sheets, an ad-on Autocrat and Google Docs or Slides you can easily create certificates for students or teachers.