All-State Process

All-State Process Overview:

August-October: Students learn music for all state auditions, under the supervision of their choir director.

November: Students participate in All State Region audition for placement in the All State ensemble.

December-January: Selected students register for TMEA Convention and TTCCDA Clinic.

February: Students travel to San Antonio and participate in the Texas Two-Year College All State Choir.

All-State Choir Audition Guidelines:

  1. The audition must be a live audition and alternates must be auditioned and selected at the same time with no additions or substitutions after the registration form has been sent to the Executive Secretary. If an institution does not have a complete octet, but more than one student on a given part, the additional singers may be certified as alternates at the time of the audition/certification process.

  2. There must be at least three directors present and judging at each audition.

  3. At each audition site singers will be seated in section configuration, with space allowing for adjudicating directors to hear individual performances.

  4. Program repertoire must be sung in its entirety.

  5. Students will be judged on correct intonation, rhythm, and diction.

Individuals are advised that during the section rehearsals on Wednesday evening they may be selected at random to demonstrate appropriate preparation. Directors at each college must plan to conduct review rehearsals in January before the TMEA Convention. An organized region rehearsal may serve this purpose.

From the TTCCDA Constitution and By-laws:


Each institution will be allowed to certify an octet (one student on a part). This octet shall include Soprano I and II, Alto I and II; Tenor I and II and Bass I and II. If an institution does not have a complete octet, then any additional singers will be certified as alternates at the time of the audition/certification process. The purpose of the audition/certification process is to certify that each student knows his or her part. It is not sufficient that an individual has attended a group rehearsal. Students must demonstrate knowledge of all the selected music. There must be three judges at each audition/certification site. If it is not possible for all three judges to be a TTCCDA choral director, the additional judges may be a music teacher from a college faculty or community.