Schedule and Proceedings
We have received 59 submissions. Among these, 40 papers were accepted to be presented at the conference, resulting in an acceptance rate of 67,8%. Some paper were withdrawn by the authors. As a result, 23 long and 10 short papers will be presented at the conference in Batumi. We would like to thank the response of the community, which has contributed with an extensive selection of research topics in the area of translation studies. Works spanning translation of various text types, machine translation, interpreting in combination of varying methods were submitted to the conference. We believe that their outcomes will serve as feedback for the development of translation studies and will help to establish future targets for researchers. We also thank all members of the conference Scientific Committee for their fruitful work and all the comments and recommendations that helped our authors to improve their work.
Adeleh Mirzaee, Fatemeh Parham Real Time Detection of Cognitive Load in Simultaneous Interpreting: An fNIRS Study
Alina Karakanta Exploring the Efficacy of Large Language Models Versus Automatic Subtitling Tools: A Comparative Analysis
Athanasios Breskas, Silvia Hansen-Schirra, Dimitrios Kapnas AI in School: The Influence of Automatic Text Generation and Machine Translation on Language Comprehension and Translation Performance
Brita Dorer, Ruxandra Comanaru, Daniela Negoita Comparing questionnaire translation approaches – a mixed-methods study
Christina Pollkläsener, Elke Teich Surprisal explains the occurrence of filler particles in simultaneous interpreting
Fabio Alves, Zoë Miljanović, Celina Brost, Stella Neumann Directionality in translation: throwing new light on an old question
Fatemeh Parham, Mina Mirzaee An Eye-tracking Study of Translators’ Pupil Diameters When Translating Ideological Texts
Fatemeh Parham, Parviz Rassouli Author Networks in Research on Translation History in Iran: A Data Mining Approach
Fernando Prieto Ramos Thematic diversity and terminological hybridity of international legal texts: Discourse patterns and implications for translators
Jean Nitzke In-work machine translation evaluation for less-researched language pairs
Katarzyna Wasilewska Corporate communication in translation – the textual fit of English translations of Polish letters to shareholders
Katrin Menzel Noun+noun compounds and verbal complements as non-normalised features in Late Modern English scientific translations
Khatuna Beridze and Tamta Navervadze Epithets, Poetic Formulae, Cognitive Semantics and Corpus-Based Analysis of two Translations of the Knight in the Panther’s Skin’
Khatuna Beridze and Nana Gogia Translating and retranslating Aarhus Convention into Georgian, Corpus data of human vs. machine translations
Khatuna Beridze and Tamta Navervadze Using AntConc toolkit in classroom: testing cognitive performance in non-native students’ translations of fiction vs. professional translator’s
Kosar Boudaghi A Study of Physical Ergonomics of Iranian Translators
Laura Marie Maaß Cooperation between hearing Sign Language Interpreters and their Deaf clients
Longhui Zou, Ali Saeedi, Geoff Koby The Comparison of Quality: Neural Machine Translation versus AI-Powered Translation in the American Translators Association Exam
Magdalena Bartłomiejczyk, Sonja Poellabauer, Viktoria Straczek-Helios Feminist interpreting: Interventionist strategies of Polish activist interpreters assisting in anonymous births in Austria
Mark Shuttleworth Using WikiAligner to investigate point of view in Wikipedia
Mirela Imamovic Lost in Annotation: Analysing translated evaluative expressions of Appraisal in German subtitles of English TED talks
Naoko Hosokawa The Use of Clear Language for Multilingual Translation: Empirical Analysis of EU Translation Guidelines
Niloufar Ganji $$The analysis of the relationship between editing styles and translation process through EEG$$
Olga Davis, Muhammad Ahmed Saeed, Dimitris Asimakoulas, Sabine Braun Translating the visual into extended verbal description
Ohoud Alshehri A corpus-based analysis of the lexical features of Saudi laws and regulations and their translation into English
Paolo Canavese, Patrick Cadwell Methodological implications of mixing corpus and survey data: A study of Swiss federal translators’ competences and tasks
Patience Haggin Finding Ortese's Voice for Ferrante Fans: A Stylometric Study of Neapolitan Chronicles
Renata Kamenická Syntactic choreographies in English-Czech machine-aided translation
Silvana Deilen, Sergio Hernández Garrido, Julian Hörner, Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski, Christiane Maaß, Vanessa Theel, Sophie Ziemer Evaluating Intralingual Machine Translation for AI-supported Health Communication
Susanne Triesch, Oliver Czulo, Fabian Barteld, Alexander Ziem Pragmatic frames: Semi-automatic annotation and application to trans- lation analysis
Zahra Hedayati The Translation Profession at Risk? A Study of Translator Experiences with regards to Artificial Intelligence
Zoë Miljanović Variation in syntactic complexity of parallel texts over time