Call for Papers

First call for papers

We invite original submissions that deal with any of the conference topics. To encourage a fruitful exchange of ideas and experience among the researchers of various fields of specialization, preference will be given to interdisciplinary contributions that cover two or more of the conference topics. While the Batumi edition will be open to various topics within empirical translation studies, we also want to put special emphasis on two directions: low-resourced and less-researched language pairs, as well as an interplay between different methods and data types, e.g. combining product and process research.

The submissions are to be made in the form of anonymized extended abstracts (in PDF) that should be between 800 and 1000 words long (excluding references) by February 16, 2024. Apart from a clear outline of the aims and methods of the study, the abstracts should also provide (preliminary) results. The abstracts will be submitted through the Open review system ( and reviewed by at least two members of the scientific committee. The accepted contributions will be presented either as oral talks or as posters. All submissions must follow abstract submission instructions.

We welcome contributions (in English) grounded in empirical approaches to studying both interlingual and intralingual translation, as well as theoretical and position papers on the following topics:


The abstracts of the accepted papers will be published in a online book of abstracts. We also plan to publish selected papers in an edited volume or in a special issue of a journal. Further information will be communicated in due course. 

Important dates