Surface Cross-Parameterization

Copyright © 2012

All rights about the program are reserved by Tsz-Ho Kwok, Yunbo Zhang and Charlie C.L. Wang.

This program is available only to a primary user for academic purposes.

No secondary use, such as copy, distribution, diversion, business purpose, etc., is allowed.

For any parties want to get the license of this software, please contact Charlie C.L. Wang.

In no event shall the author be liable to any party for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damage arising out of the use of this program.

We would also like to ask you to acknowledge the provided program by citing the below papers in any publication using this program.




Basic work flow:

1. Run the "Cross-Parameterization.exe" in the folder "X-Para"

2. Drag and drop the files in "example" correspondingly: hand1.obj -> hand1.fpt -> hand2.obj -> hand2.fpt

3. Run by "Cross-Parameterization -> Clustering method"

4. After finishing, "File -> Export -> Final Result" to get the parameterized result.

Some usage please refer to "usage.pdf"

This is a research program, which aim as letting you to compute the bijective mapping between models.

The code is written by me, therefore, it is not a prefect program, and bugs are everywhere.

Please let me know if you meet any bugs, but please don't blame me><.

This version somewhat is a combination of the two papers listed above,

I do not recommend you to directly compare the result generated by this program.

This is because it is not exactly same as either one of the papers.