I seek motivated students with the background in manufacturing, computer science, robotics, or mathematics.
Interested individuals please fill out this form:
Remark: International Ph.D. applicants need to have a minimum GPA of 3.7/4.3, 17/20 or 3.5/4 for your Master's degree.
For international students looking for a research internship in our group, please apply for the Mitacs Globalink Research Internship.
Scholarship and Award Opportunities:
Concordia Graduate Awards & Funding
FRQNT Scholarships
NSERC Postgraduate Programs
SME Scholarships
Fondation Arbour
Other supports:
Concordia Conference and exposition awards
Internship Opportunities:
Mitacs Accelerate
Eder da Silva Sales
Christopher-Denny Matte
Shima Akhondi
Ankhy Sultana
Zhenshan Liang
Mohsen Rasoulivalajoozi
Michael Kerr
Newton Andoh
Zahra Pezeshki
Casey Glasgow
Felix Cournoyer
Breno Hoelz Coscarelli
Mariana Toro Ramirez
Sara Safizadeh (MASc, 2024; Understanding Crack Formation in IN738 Alloy Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion and Heat Treatment Processes; co-supervised with Dr. Rolf Wüthrich)
Zhenshan Liang (MASc, 2023; Indoor Depth Map Completion via Mesh-based Discrete Geometric Processing)
Shiva Shokri (MASc, 2023; Closed-Loop Control of Surface Preparation for Metallizing Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites)
Sara Ordonselli (MASc, 2023; Removing Carbon Black Pigment from ABS Material)
Baanu Payandehjoo (MASc, 2023; Embedding Ionic Hydrogel in 3D Printed Human-Centric Devices for Mechanical Sensing)
Maksudul Alam (MASc, 2023; Multidisciplinary Optimization of Shoe Midsole Structures using Tetrahedral Mesh Generation and Swarm Intelligence)
Irfan Mustafa (MASc, 2021; Development of Intertwined Infills to Improve Multi-Material Interfacial Bond Strength)
Christopher Richard (MASc, 2021; The Relationship Between Lattice Structure Topology and Rapid Investment Casting Performance)
Xiaodong He (MASc, 2020; Folding Photopolymerized Origami Sheets by Post-Curing)
Ankhy Sultana (MASc, 2020; Numerical Assessment of Directional Energy Transfer for Geometric Structure)
Christopher-Denny Pierre Joseph Aubry-Matte (MASc, 2019; Geometric Simulation and Additive Manufacturing of Multi-Material Soft Robots)
Eder da Silva Sales (MASc, 2019; Structural Design Using Principal Stress Line for Toolpath-based Additive Manufacturing)
Pantea Kooshki (MASc, 2019; Additively Manufactured Hemp Fiber Reinforced Silicone; co-supervised with Dr. Rolf Wüthrich)