筑波大学 医学医療系 生物統計学

Department of Biostatistics, Institute of Medicine, University of Tsukuba

筑波大学 医学医療系 生物統計学グループのホームページです。 


Ohigashi T, Maruo K, Sozu T, Sawamoto R, Gosho M (2024). Potential bias models with Bayesian shrinkage priors for dynamic borrowing of multiple historical control data. Pharmaceutical Statistics. [link]

Ishii R, Ohigashi T, Maruo K, Gosho M (2024). geessbin: an R package for analyzing small-sample binary data using modified generalized estimating equations with bias-adjusted covariance estimators. BMC Medical Research Methodology 24, 277. [link]

Gosho M, Ishii R, Nagashima K, Noma H, Maruo K (2024). Determining the prior mean in Bayesian logistic regression with sparse data: a nonarbitrary approach. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics). [link]

Maruo K, Ishii R, Yamaguchi Y, Ohigashi T, Gosho M (2024). Small sample adjustment for inference without assuming orthogonality in MMRM analysis. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics. [link]

Uno S, Noma H, Gosho, M (2024). Firth-type penalized methods of the modified Poisson and least-squares regression analyses for binary outcomes. Biometrical Journal. [link]

Shimada K, Gosho M, Ohigashi T, Kume K, Yano T, Ishii R, Maruo K, Inokuchi R, Iwagami M, Ueda H, Tanaka M, Sanuki M, Tamiya N (2024). Risk of postoperative pneumonia after extubation with the positive pressure versus normal pressure technique: A single center retrospective observational study. Journal of Anesthesia. [link]

Shimada K, Inokuchi R, Ohigashi T, Iwagami M, Tanaka M, Gosho, M, Tamiya N (2024). Artificial intelligence-assisted interventions for perioperative anaesthetic management: A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Anesthesiology 24, 36. [link]

丸尾和司, 石井亮太. 経時データ解析におけるMMRM法の利用ついて.

石井亮太. 小標本経時二値データの解析.

石南枝. 過去のプラセボ対照試験データを外部対照とするベイズ流臨床試験.

過去の更新情報は こちら



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Email: biostat [[at]] md.tsukuba.ac.jp

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