Spatiotemporal forest dynamics & climate change
Postdoctoral researcher
Postdoctoral researcher
Beatriu de Pinós programme (BP 2020)
Beatriu de Pinós programme (BP 2020)
Av. Alcalde Rovira Roure, 191
Lleida 25198, Spain
"Environmental and anthropogenic drivers of fungal diversity and productivity in forest ecosystems under global change"
funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
Ref: PID2022-139558OB-I00 (2023–2026)
Member of the Editorial Academy
second edition (2022–2023)
at Journal of Biogeography (IF 3.9, 2022; Wiley)
Member of the Editorial Academy
second edition (2022–2023)
at Journal of Biogeography (IF 3.9, 2022; Wiley)
Member of scientific committee and Session convenor
Member of scientific committee and Session convenor
Session 2: Forest integrity, ecosystem services, and management in the boreal zone
at the 19th conference of International Boreal Forest Research Association (IBFRA), 2021
Guest editor of Special Issue
Guest editor of Special Issue
"Stable Isotope Applications in Forest Ecosystems"
in Forests (IF 2.634, 2020; MDPI)