We’ve been blessed with more than 30 years of corporate experience working with some of the brightest minds in business. We followed that with 11 years working with and learning from some of the most creative educators, entrepreneurs, community activists and economic development in communities throughout the Midwest. We’ve created workshops and strategic plans for Urban League affiliates, NAACP branches, local chambers of commerce and economic development organizations. The experience has shaped our philosophy, “Communities are most effectively revitalized through entrepreneurship”.

Our clients include individuals contemplating a new business venture, existing businesses looking to grow, non-profits engineering neighborhood development and more. We’ve helped develop marketing plans, strategies, tools and programs. By supporting impactful collaborations we’re helping women and minority businesses pursue certification and bid on government contracts. We’re helping businesses gain access to capital through traditional means and sometimes through non-traditional lenders.

Are you currently, or considering becoming, an agent of change? Do you currently own, or are you planning to start, a community based business that will help your community grow? If you want partners to help you, encourage you and support you, contact us.