Not Me But You

During her time at Samaldas Arts College, Trushali actively participated as a volunteer in the National Service Scheme (NSS) program. She dedicated herself to various community service activities, working alongside fellow volunteers to make a positive impact.

 In recognition of her exceptional commitment and contributions, she was honored with the prestigious title of "Best NSS Volunteer of the Year" during the final year of graduation at Samaldas Arts College. This recognition came at the culmination of a fulfilling seven-day NSS camp held at Gramdakshinamurti School in Manar, Bhavnagar.

 During the camp, she had the privilege of leading an enthusiastic team of volunteers, guiding and inspiring them to achieve our collective goals. Together, we undertook several initiatives aimed at uplifting the community and fostering a spirit of service.

Being recognized as the best NSS Volunteer of the Year was a humbling experience that further fueled her passion for community service. It was a testament to the efforts invested, the bonds formed, and the positive change we were able to bring about during our time at the camp.

Her participation in the NSS program not only provided her with valuable experiences and personal growth but also instilled in her a sense of responsibility and empathy towards others. She is grateful for the opportunity to have made a difference in the lives of those we served and to have contributed to the noble mission of the National Service Scheme.

NSS year 2019

NSS year 2021-22