The True Page of Hope

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Doth not wisdom cry?

And understanding put forth her voice?

She standeth in the top of high places,

by the way in the places of the paths.

She crieth at the gates, at the entry of the city, at the coming in at the doors.

Unto you, O men, I call:

There is NO DESPERATE PLACE once you keep FAITH!

If you want to know more about wisdom,

please click here!

The keys for your Life are:

Learn like a child

Copy with faith and humility

Create with love and majesty

"For this is the love of Elohim, that we keep His commandments.

And His commandments are not burdensome. "

(I John 5: 3)

You are welcome to follow this link to read about the ten commandments and

to let them be written on your heart!



Is there any clues in the Bible that would help us to find an explanation for the mystery about


If Satan is the Accuser, please rely on Yeshuah our Defense Lawyer!


Come and admire the great precision with which Yehoah Elohim does

and has all His works done!


Men, did you ever understand how a valuable Lady can enhance your value?


Is there any relationship between the book of Revelation of John and the Antichrist ?


Let him who thinks he is standing beware of falling!


Humbleness, a quality to stay on the path of life!


Have you already noticed the striking similarities between

and the resurrection of Yeshuah or Jesus?


Believers, if you want to save your lives, you must keep watching all the time!


Throughout the bible, Yehoah Elohim as well as His son Yeshuah are warning us against seduction.

Read the following article to find out more: Seduction is all the time at the corner to try to catch you specially now in these end times!


In an interview for the German newspaper Die Welt,

and Germany in particular. Should we not see in it the announcement of the coming accomplishment of the establishment of the abomination of desolation in the Holy Land announced by the prophet Daniel ?



In our prayer, we often say: "Hallowed be Thy name !"


Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you!

Please find often ignored examples from the Old Testament!


François-René de Chateaubriand (1768-1848), the founder of Romanticism, a visionary!


The book of Job was written thousands years ago for us who are living at the end times: But are we ready to follow his teachings?


How does the Revelation of John influence our lives?

Isn't the book of Revelation giving key advice for us today?

In the following link, is a working document to help you finding your way in this precious book!


Read this warning given in the Bible nearly 3500 years ago.

This warning has been written for us

who are living at the end of times!


Come and try to measure

if you can find its limit!


For those who are interested to understand more about the way the Lord has defined His Calendar and His Feasts, please follow this link!

For those who are familiar with the feasts of Yehoah or Yahveh, please be advised of the following but pay attention that I am not following strictly the way Israelites are usually fixing the dates as in my case, I decided as understood from the Bible to start each new month with the day during which the astronomical new moon is taking place. In other words, it means that the dates mentioned below are often one or two days before the Jewish official calendar!

By the way, did you notice that the names of the months of the "fourth quarter" of the calendar we are using in the present world are most often (this year is an exception) in line with the ones of our Lord:

September for the seventh month (septem = seven in latin)

October for the eighth month (octo= eight in latin)

November for the ninth month (novem = nine in latin)

December for the tenth month (decem = ten in latin)

It would make sense to accept January and February as being respectively the eleventh and twelveth month and consequently March would be the first month of the year... This might be for us an opportunity to wake up as it was a long time ago with the children of captivity when, as one man, they revived with humility the offerings while the Temple was not yet rebuilt. This took place during Ezra's lifetime and you can read about it in Ezra 3: 6. This day of the seventh new moon, starting the day before at sunset, will be a feast and should be announced with a big shout.

I wish to all those who will share this festival with us a very good time with Yehoah, our Lord!


Make a success of the trip of your life !


Whoso readeth this article, let him understand!


"Bon Voyage!"

Your friend, Pierre Georlette

Please come back and visit me - You are always welcome!