
ThunderClan's fierce but gentle warrior

Dawnkit // Dawnpaw // Dawnfern

A tan she-cat with green eyes. A scar on her nose and a scar on her cheek

Mother(s): Unknown

Father(s): Unknown

Littermate(s): Unknown

Mate: N/A

Crush: Blizzardpaw [spookyscaryskeletons]

Kits: N/A

Gender: She-cat

Sexuality: Heterosexual heteroromantic

Warrior // 16 moons


Gentle, fierce, smart


Does what she wants


Disloyal, liar, untrustworthy


Apprentice: Smokepaw [mumble]

Dawnfern is very very smart. She is also big and strong, but very gentle. She does what she wants when she wants to.She had proven herself to be disloyal and a liar, therefore untrustworthy

When Dawnfern was about 14 moons old, she fell in love with Blizzardpaw, a ShadowClan apprentice. She knew they wouldn't work out, but that didn't stop her from visiting him often. She loved him with all her heard. When she was 15 moons old, Buckstar assigned her Smokepaw as an apprentice. She knew it was to keep her away from Blizzardpaw. When she was 18 moons, she found Blizzardpaw at the border, his back legs paralyzed. He explained that it was from training, and he was afraid of Dawnstar.



Blizzardpaw//I haven't seen nor spoken to him in a while, but I still love him a lot


Smokepaw//I don't know them... I haven't trained them...

Buckstar [supernatural slushie]//I have mixed feelings on him as leader. I of course respect him, and think he'll be better than that good-for-nothing Duskstar
