
Differentiation using Tech Tools

Google Forms Branching Tips

  • Start small, just a few questions.
  • Map out your branches before you begin.
  • Utilize the page titles and descriptions to help you organize.
  • Test it! Then, test it again!
  • Remember, this type of assessment will not be graded–Assessment FOR Learning!
  • Your spreadsheet will not be pretty! But that’s okay!
  • Kids are smart! You must facilitate this type of assessment.

Other Ways to Use Branching in Google Forms

  • When a student answers correctly, they could be taken to a harder question.
  • When a student answers incorrectly, you could show more specifically where they went wrong with each answer choice (not just review a concept)–like solving a math problem incorrectly.
  • Student choice: Use this feature to allow students to select from a menu of choices to demonstrate their learning, then upload the file to the form to submit. The spreadsheet would allow you to see what they select and should be working on during class.
  • Gamify! What if every correct answer revealed a clue or a puzzle piece? Students could collect and work individually or collaboratively to put together.
  • Put this feature in students’ hands and let them create something for their class, or another class to teach a skill, or play a game.