18th-19th May

Tropical Days In Bristol 

at University of Bristol 


A two-day conference on tropical mathematics and surrounding research areas. 

Day 1

  • Welcome and registration from 1:30pm. 
  • Afternoon talks between 2 - 5:30pm.

Day 2

  • Morning talks between 9am - 12:30pm.
  • Conference lunch. 
  • This will be followed by talks between 1:30 - 3:30pm. 
  • To conclude there will be time for an optional discussion and exercise session.


This event will bring together researchers from the tropical maths community and further afield. 

This will be part of a series of events supported by the LMS for the Tropical Mathematics and its Applications network.

We are planning to offer the conference in a hybrid format, allowing virtual attendance. When registering please indicate whether you are planning to attend in person or virtually.


There is funding available to support attendance to the event for PhD students and early career researchers. Please contact one of the organisers if funding is required to attend the event, and fill out the required sections in the registration form. Note, this funding is limited. 


The Speakers

University of Edinburgh


Queen Mary, University of London


Imperial College London


University of Regensburg


Bologna University


University of Nantes


University of Bristol


 Participant Talks: There will be an opportunity for a small number of participants talks. Priority will be given to those at an early career stage, e.g PhD students. 


The Venue

School of Mathematics,

Fry Building, Woodland Road, BS8 1UG

The talks for both days will be held in room G.09 in the Fry Building. This is located in the left wing of the building on the ground floor.



Heilbronn Fellow at University of Bristol 

james.maxwell (at) bristol.ac.uk

Lecturer at University of Bristol 

farhad.babaee (at) bristol.ac.uk


Please register your interest in the event below.

We are extremely grateful for the financial support given by the Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research, the London Mathematical Society and the University of Bristol.