
2025 February 21 - 23rd Winter Camporee Sign up Closed

Contact Justin Meyer <> if you have questions

2025 March 1st  APO Merit Badge University  Registration Closes February 26th!

The Alpha Phi Omega, Omicron Chapter will be offering the APO MBU in Schaeffer Hall at the University of Iowa Campus on March 1st (9am-4pm). 

-Registration for this MBU will be through Trent (as part of the APO's planning team), so do not self-register on the APO's site.
-Cost is $10 per merit badge plus an additional $13 if you want lunch purchased through your Scoutbucks (indicated in the sign up) otherwise send cash with your scout. Lunch will be on campus.
-This MBU is requesting Troops to provide 2 adults for our group. Indicate in the Signup form if you can help.

Prerequisites are listed on the APO's site linked below.

How to Register

1) look at the APO's website (link to APO's site) to see available merit badges and if there are still seats available. Do not register on the APO's site.

2) Fill out the Troop's google signup form and indicate which MB's you like Trent to register you for:

Contact Trent Hancock <> if you have any questions.

2025 April 26  Cedar Rapids Merit Badge University  Self-registration opens January 31!

Register for the Cedar Rapids Merit Badge University (MBU) on April 26 at Mount Mercy University. 
Like past years, they will have a hot taco bar for lunch at the University Dining Hall.
They will likely offer 25+ merit badges with several of them as Eagle required, so this is a great opportunity to work on those badges.
Most of the badges have prerequisites. If these are not completed prior to the MBU please work out a plan with the MBC at the event or another MBC to complete the badge requirements later. 

Here is a PDF listing this year's MB offerings: Linked PDF

This will be a self-registration event and can be done by the families through the event website linked here

Save the Dates

Troop's Annual Forms Inventory Page

For activity Permission and Med Forms:

Review the Troop's Inventory Page to be proactive in keeping your annual med forms current.

(Link to Page)