The Ledger

The ledger

Ledger was dumb, its gone.

New ruling: The chimera teams will be refreshed using reverse winning order. Any member may declare for them. Chimera teams win 1/2 points compared to real teams. Any owner may take members from the chimeras at any time.

Our Styles

Riddle Draft Names.

  1. Pet Name

  2. Nothing but Net

  3. Princess

  4. Fancy Man

  5. The Vision

  6. The Modest Proposal

  7. The Nutty Professor

  8. Quadzilla

  9. Tragic Backstory

  10. Rod God

  11. The Tin Woodman

  12. French Royalty

  13. Fortnite

  14. J. Jonah Jameson

  15. Type 1

  16. Freaky Eater

  17. The Survivor

  18. Q Anon

  19. Boobie

  20. Disney Original

  21. Superhero

  22. The Sax Man

  23. Pippin

  24. Seseame Street

  25. The Zealot

  26. THIS IS THE NOISE ONE ( Check The Ledger for the noise)

  27. Logan Paul

  28. Wild Dog

  29. Dolly Parton

  30. Frieza

  31. Uncharted

  32. The Allfather

  33. Lion's Mane

  34. Sideshow Bob

  35. Colossians 3:23

  36. Notus

  37. Promise Ring

  38. The Streamer

  39. Trophy Husband

  40. Yawn

  41. Beavis

  42. Good Burger

  43. Kevin's Dream Job

  44. The Shovel

  45. Booster Gold

  46. Batman

  47. Goofy

  48. Top Snipa

  49. Daddy Pseudoscience

  50. Jeff Pubes

  51. Baby Face

  52. Ride or Die

  53. North Side

  54. The Count

  55. Head Shot

  56. Friday

  57. The Domestic Abuser

  58. Waffle House

  59. The Bachelor

  60. Timemaster

  61. The Hobbit

  62. Child Star

  63. Maximum Drip

  64. Name Hog

  65. Ricky Bobby

  66. Tickle Kitten

  67. The Archer

  68. Jaws

  69. Give him an aspirin

  70. Kicker

  71. Photoshop

  72. The Second Baseman

  73. Dude Hurdler

  74. The Confederate

  75. XX

  76. Andy Dufresne

  77. Alter Ego

  78. baa.cda

  79. Eledhrim

  80. A Lion, a Goat, and a Snake

  81. Thirst Trap

  82. Omega Male

  83. Poetry

  84. Short Stack

  85. Les Paul

  86. Stiff Arm

  87. 404 Error

  88. Spellcheck

  89. The Salesman's Son

  90. Montresor

  91. Sony Reject

  92. Furnace Lenny

  93. Unlucky Bucky

  94. Celebrity Status

  95. Juiced

  96. NASCAR

  97. Devant B

  98. Joe Rogan

  99. Arid Gooch

  100. Crypto Bro

  101. Dead Zone