"So in Christ, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others."
- Romans 12:5
Looking for VBS 2025? Coming Soon!
Looking for VBS 2025? Coming Soon!
An Independent Church, With Foundations in Christian Fellowship
An Independent Church, With Foundations in Christian Fellowship
We at Trinity want you and your loved-ones to feel included in our Church family. Feel free to navigate through this website to find out how you and your family can call this church '“home.”
We at Trinity want you and your loved-ones to feel included in our Church family. Feel free to navigate through this website to find out how you and your family can call this church '“home.”
Ready to take the next step?
Ready to take the next step?
We would love to see you here on Sunday Mornings at 8:45am! Here at Trinity Church we wish to welcome our neighbors in the love of Christ, as we strive to Invite, Seek, and Discover the Lord as a connected congregation.
We would love to see you here on Sunday Mornings at 8:45am! Here at Trinity Church we wish to welcome our neighbors in the love of Christ, as we strive to Invite, Seek, and Discover the Lord as a connected congregation.
Let's Introduce Ourselves...
Let's Introduce Ourselves...
At Trinity Church of Winfield we are blessed to be a faith community that continues to prioritize God's leadership above all things. With Pastor Zach Woods, we wish to faithfully love the things that God cares for. That is why Micah 6:8 is foundational to who we are, “What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”
At Trinity Church of Winfield we are blessed to be a faith community that continues to prioritize God's leadership above all things. With Pastor Zach Woods, we wish to faithfully love the things that God cares for. That is why Micah 6:8 is foundational to who we are, “What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”
It is in light of that verse, we at Trinity are challenged to always seek those things that God cares for, whether it is through the Missions we support, fellowship opportunities we establish, or how we conduct our worship on Sunday mornings. Come and see how you can be a part of a faith community that strives to listen to God's direction, preach His Gospel, and move in action for His glory!
It is in light of that verse, we at Trinity are challenged to always seek those things that God cares for, whether it is through the Missions we support, fellowship opportunities we establish, or how we conduct our worship on Sunday mornings. Come and see how you can be a part of a faith community that strives to listen to God's direction, preach His Gospel, and move in action for His glory!
Our Mission & Vision Statement
Mission Statement (Who We Want to BE):
Trinity is a Biblically-based, Gospel loving, Church Family that equips people to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ today and everyday.
Vision Statement (Who We Wish to BECOME):
To see all people connect to the Gospel, to aid people in being disciples, so that together we may serve in Christ's name.