Universal Pre-K

Universal Preschool (UPK) Colorado Family Applications Now Open!

In order to receive free Pre-K through UPK, create an account at UPK Application Portal and choose Trinity Lutheran Preschool.

TLP is excited to be a participating partner with Colorado Department of Early Childhood's Universal Preschool (UPK). This program allows 10-15 hours of tuition free preschool for preschoolers age 4+ for one year only. 

To receive UPK funding, you must submit an application through UPK Application Portal and specify Trinity Lutheran Preschool in your application. This is in addition to TLP's application to register for preschool. Please don't wait to sign up for UPK and secure your spot at TLP. The UPK office will assign students without school choice starting next week, so get your spot today!


Once everything is complete and we receive confirmation from UPK State of Colorado office, we will notify you that your enrollment is complete.

Remember you child MUST be 4 years old by October 1st , 2023 and plan to attend kindergarten following year.

You MUST complete both registration with TLP and UPK to receive funding to attend our preschool for free next school year.

Please Contact Us if you have any questions.