After hours of searching that was a great hint. In this site there is an ad-blocker installed. In this case "pi-hole". I whitelisted "" and the login page worked instantly. There should be an automated hint on the webpage, when trimble encounters such a problem!

I don't use a VPN so that was not the issue for me. On Mac and using safari had to disable the content blocker for Trimble/ sketchup. Safari> setting for '' > unchecked enable content blocker. Sign in appeared after this.

Trimble Sketchup

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If you want to have that models in your trimble connect project act as traditional components, set up another project and have your components, there. When needed, download the folder and unzip it and add that folder to your component-collection.

You can go to and sign in. Then go to your files, tick the checkbox for the file you want to share and over on the right click the Share icon (two heads). In the Share Data panel chose the desired Share with option and complete the rest of it. With View Only chosen for Access, he can only look at your model but not modify it.

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Thank you for trying to help. I have tried your solution but the issue remains. The problem is that there are no login fields showing up on the iPhone app; just a blank page with the Trimble logo and some help/privacy/copyright details at the bottom. The same happens if I access on the iPhone via Safari, but I can log in via Chrome. However, I still need to sign in via the Viewer app, but that still shows no log in fields.

2) Not being able to enjoy the full benefits of our Enscape subscription despite our full payment, either forces their hand to purchase another (trimble) subscription just to use Enscape. Or pushes customers to discontinue with the product and seek other avenues. ff782bc1db

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