Player States and State Activators

Original source:

Players/CPUs are separated by 0x0DD8 or 3544 bytes in memory. I have calculated the memory locations for all Players/CPUS. States add together.

MK64 States and State Acviators

Some rough notes (in progress)

800F6991 0040 turns P1 into a bomb and unable to use items. Normally 800F6991 is 0010. Not sure what that does but setting it to 0000 has it go straight back to being 0010. The bomb will not render unless in 3 or 4P VS mode. You can run into other characters to blow them up. Once you do that 800F6990 gets set to 0070 which means you are human AND CPU controlled and can't move. 800F6991 then gets set to 0000.

800F6990: C0 10 00 0E 00 06 00 00 -- During race 800F6990: D8 10 00 0A 00 01 00 00 -- Finish line camera 800F6990: D8 10 00 5B 00 01 00 00 -- Demo cam after finish line

During race startup 8018F002 0001 8018F1E1 0007 80191F8B 00FF 801920AA 0005 801920DA 0006 80192AAB 0001

During Race 8018F002 0001 8018F1E1 0007 80191F8B 0001 801920AA 0005 801920DA 0006 80192AAB 0008

During cross the finish line 8018F002 0008 8018F1E1 0000 80191F8B 0007 801920AA 00FF 801920DA 0000 80192AAB 0006

During points add up at end of race 8018F002 00FF 8018F1E1 00FF 80191F8B 00FF 801920AA 0007 801920DA 00FF 80192AAB 0007