An 8 bit clock through 0-255 every few seconds is stored at 8018D3FF. A 32 bit clock appears to be stored at 800DC598. Either clock can be queried with conditional codes for making something happen every so often. These timers could possibly be used as random number generators.

A unique timer is the byte 8018D3FB is a counter that counts from 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05 and then loops back around to 00 a few times a second. In other words, the byte constantly counts from zero to five, then resets, so I call it the “heartbeat”. You have six possible values constantly repeating regularly. It controls the color flashing where the player's placement is shown on the left. A few times a second, 1/6 of the time the conditional will be true and the RAM write code (80 or 81) will be on, and 5/6 of the time the conditional will be false:

D018D3FB 0005

You can also combine it with other equal to (D0 or D1) conditionals like so:

D018D3FB 0005

As an example, you can make player 1 hop repeatedly with the following code:

D018D3FB 0005 //If heartbeat == 05
80196505 0010 //Set button activator 2 for player 1 to press R to hop